Discovering benefits of ayurvedic medicine for diabetes

Discovering benefits of ayurvedic medicine for diabetes

Diabetes is affecting millions of people due to lifestyle disorders or genetic conditions. It is a life threatening disorder. It is incurable, yet continuing without any treatment can be risky. One can lose life. Medical science has come up with different allopathic medicines for treatment of diabetes. Yet these medicines are:

a) Not safe.

b) Causing relapse

c) Causing side effects

d) Are expensive.

 It has been around more than five thousand years when people in the Indian subcontinent have been relying on ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. It is a treatment based on:

a) Use of natural herbs and ingredients.

b) Low carb diet.

c) Yoga and physical exercise.

d) Does not cause any side effects.

e) Reasonably priced.

Diabetes is a long term illness which is the outcome of imbalance of blood sugar metabolism in the body. Blood sugar levels rise in the body due to lack of insulin or as a consequence of inability of cells in the muscles, fat and liver are not able to absorb insulin.

Symptoms of diabetes are:

1) Excess urination

2) Blurry vision

3) A sense of numbness in the feet and hand

4) Unhealing wounds.

5) Obesity or sudden weight loss.

6) Poor heart condition

7) Feeling fatiguness

Best ayurvedic medicine for diabetes


This particular herb possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in balancing high blood sugar at optimum level.  It stimulates the production of insulin and improving the functions of liver, heart and kidney


It is bitter in taste and ability to balance the pitta level in the body. It is helpful in removing the toxins from the body and boosting immunity. It brings relief from stress, both physical and mental. It is recommended to use in the form of beverages to avoid the bitter taste.


Using jamun fruit or its seed can be highly effective in lowering high blood sugar elevation. It is because of the property of converting carbohydrates and breaking unhealthy fats into energy and reducing obesity.


It stimulates the production of insulin and balances the growing blood sugar symptoms. It helps the patient get relieved from blood sugar complications.  It is recommended to take a few leaves daily for controlling blood sugar elevation and purifying blood.


It possesses anti diabetic properties for managing blood sugar at optimum level.

You can use any of these herbs or in combined form for elimination of diabetic symptoms. It would be the best sugar control medicine for diabetes.

Combinations of such natural herbs like gurmar, chirata, jamun, a kalmegh and mulethi are easily found in powders of Dr. Madhu Amrit. Even the capsules of this particular ayurvedic pack are highly effective in altering the problems of blood sugar from the root.

Further, you can follow the guidelines from Nirogaurved for managing diabetic symptoms naturally without paying any extra cost.

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